Shipping & Delivery Policy for PSF Teams

Thank you for choosing PSF Teams. The PSF Teams App is designed to offer individuals and businesses opportunities to earn extra income through collaboration with various businesses, subject to the conditions. Please carefully read our Shipping & Delivery policy, which outlines the conditions and guidelines for our delivery services.

1. Delivery Providers:

a. Product or Service deliveries will be handled by associated business partners.
b. All orders or referrals posted on PSF Teams app, will be delivered directly by the respective merchants or stores associated with PSF Teams.

2. Responsibility for Delay or Incidents:

a. PSF Teams will not take any responsibility for the delivery of products or services managed by our partering merchants or businesses.
b. PSF Teams shall not be held responsible for any delays, incidents, or issues that may occur during the shipping or delivery process. Customers are encouraged to directly contact the respective merchant for any concerns related to these deliveries.

3. Delivery Charges:

a. A reasonable delivery charge may apply to each referral or order, which will be communicated clearly during the order process.
b. The delivery charge is subject to change based on the order size, location, and other relevant factors.

4. Damages during Delivery:

a. For orders or services delivered by partering merchants or company, PSF Teams will not take any responsibility for any damages that may occur during the delivery process.
b. For orders delivered directly by associated merchants or stores, PSF Teams is not liable for any damages that occur during the delivery or after delivery.

5. Minimum Referral Value:

a. There may be a minimum order or referral value requirement for deliveries, which will be specified by the respective merchants or stores.
b. The minimum order or referral value may vary depending on the merchant and the delivery location.

6. Delivery Timelines:

a. PSF Teams will make every effort to ensure timely deliveries for all orders or referrals handled by associated business partners.
b. Delivery timelines for orders or referrals fulfilled directly by associated merchants or stores will be provided by the respective merchant. Customers or members are advised to check the estimated delivery time while placing their orders.

7. Communication:

a. In case of any delivery-related issues or queries, customers can reach out to PSF Teams's customer support for assistance. For orders handled by partering merchants, PSF Teams will coordinate with the delivery partner to resolve any concerns promptly.

Please note that this policy is subject to change, and any updates will be reflected on our website or communicated through the app. By using the PSF Teams food delivery app, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this Shipping & Delivery policy.

Last updated on 1st Jan 2024.